Sunday, 16 May 2010

The First Test

So I've been good all week. I've either stayed within or managed to save my points. No bingeing, no eating from 'mouth' or 'head' hunger, self control, pleasurable food. Weight Watchers, or the plan itself, seems to have worked (although, we'll not know until the morning).
But here it is, Sunday night, and I just want to mindlessly eat. Utter mouth hunger. Nothing bad - I don't feel the need to binge as such, but I do want some cheese and crackers, and a sandwich and a mini muffin or maybe some chocolate spread on toast. Or maybe some ham... mhh... ham. I'm not hungry. I'm not really stuffed but I'm not hungry. I'm just feeling that way that got me to the rather hefty size that I am today.
The question is, would a cheese sandwich do it? If yes, then I have saved points this week, I've got exercise points on top of that. I would not be breaking Weight watchers law to have the sandwich and so I should have it. I could stop thinking about it and go to bed with a nommy cheese sandwich in my tummy and I could stop writing this post. But I'm not sure. I'm not really sure I'm supposed to be looking at it that way.
The question is:
Is it OK to continue with bad patterns just because I have the  points to get away with it?

I used to belong to another dieting site (I have form, you see), where only calories were counted. There was a large forum on this site as on Weight watchers. And almost every day, at least one person would come up with something along the lines of  'As long as I stay within my calories, is it OK to eat my own body weight in chocolate bars and skip every other form of nutrition today?'. And the answer from the board respondents would always be a resounding yes, because after all a calorie is a calorie is a calorie right? No! No! Surely, if you have got to a certain degree of overweight, and you have a problem with chocolate, then it can not be OK to do that! Because you might lose the weight - frankly it doesn't strike me as likely, but you might - but as long as you skip meals in order to inhale kitkats then you're always going to have a problem.
By the way, I never did skip meals to eat loads of  junk or drink copious amounts, I would just do that ON TOP of my normal meals.  I'm clever like that.

Anyway, for all my ramblings it looks like writing this all down has worked. I have finally gone off the idea of the cheese. Its my first weigh in tomorrow. I'll be back then.

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