Monday, 17 May 2010

First Weigh In : 222

Drum roll please... 5lb lost!
I feel like I deserved a good loss this week. I followed the plan, I did some daily exercise and it's the first week. Porkers like me need a big chunk off first week because even though we know it is just water weight, it is very good for morale. 
Sadly, it isn't the sort of weight loss that makes a drastic difference to appearance as its just a couple of percent of my total body weight. I'm going on holiday in a couple of weeks and went swimming costume browsing this morning. I'm dreading this. I don't even want to try one on, let alone buy one to wear on the beach. I'm going to get a sarong, which should at least mitigate the (very) troublesome thigh area. Together with maybe a sundress or something, I can get away with it  - until I have to get into the water I think! I try to comfort myself that If I stick to it then this time next year I should be able to wear any costume I please but this doesn't help me with my image of myself looking like a beached whale in two very short weeks. Of course, I know I've had this holiday coming for a long time now, I know I should have done something about it earlier, but I didn't. Thankfully we're not a hugely beachy family, so I'll just be able to wear normal stuff for most of the week.
I've decided not to track points whilst I'm away. I don't intend to go 'off plan' as such, but we'll have no access to the Internet  for the week and I'm too new at this to make an educated guess roughly how much is in what. I'll just eat as healthily as I can and keep a close eye on my portions. We're self catering and I'm sure that when we do eat out, I'll be able to find enough healthy alternatives. Hopefully I'm also going to be a lot more active, with swimming and walking planned in so what I'd really love is to come home to a loss. Maybe I'm being wildly naively optimistic about that but you never know!

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